Can you name all of the environmental groups at UConn? There are a plethora of groups and organizations on campus that are either directly or indirectly related to the environment. These include, but are not limited to:
• Eagle Scout Association
• EcoHusky
• EcoHouse
• ECOalition
• EcoGarden Club
• Environmental Conservation Club
• Forestry and Wildlife Club
• Geology Club
• Green Building Club
• Honors Council (Environmental Committee)
• Real Slow Food
• Resource Economics Club
• Spring Valley Student Farm
• Wildlife Society
EcoHusky works closely with the Office of Environmental Policy to organize events and projects to promote environmental sustainability on and off campus. Members of EcoHusky promoted recycling at Green Game Day this past Saturday, and will be teaching the public about composting at the Hartford Marathon on Saturday, October 10th. EcoHouse is UConn’s sustainable living and learning community located in Sprague Hall, comprised of students immersing themselves in a more sustainable environment. Spring Valley Farm allows a small group of students to gain first-hand experience working on a farm, and EcoGarden Club grows crops for UConn’s dining halls, an initiative supported by Real Slow Food, a group focused on the production and purchase of ethical, sustainable food. The Environmental Committee of UConn’s Honors Cou
ncil is dedicated to raising environmental awareness not only to honors students, but to the entire campus, through a variety of events, such as their Alternative Recycling Initiative. ECOalition acts as a liaison between the various environmental groups and leaders on campus, encouraging collaboration and unity amongst them.
Surely, the list does not end here. The vast number of groups is indicative of not only the university’s commitment to the environment, but the students’ commitments as well. Each environmental organization on campus represents and promotes various ideals and goals, all of which are unique yet interrelated. To find out more about these organizations, you can search