Sustainability Policy, Energy, and Environment Advisory Committee


The Sustainability Policy, Energy & Environment Advisory Committee (SPEEAC) - provides strategic review and advice on issues related to the integration of sustainable practices, programs, and projects across the Six Cross-Cutting Initiatives outlined in the University Strategic Plan:

  1. Student Success Journey to Academic Excellence: Integrating sustainability across academic programs, research endeavors, and experiential learning opportunities, empowering students to become leaders in sustainable practices and innovation.
  2. Excellence in Research, Innovation, and Engagement: Fostering interdisciplinary research initiatives and innovation hubs focused on sustainable solutions to address pressing environmental challenges.
  3. Wellness of People and Planet Community Engagement: Engaging with local and global communities, cultivating partnerships, and advancing initiatives that promote environmental stewardship and social responsibility leveraging UConn expertise and resources for broader impact.
  4. Seven World-Class Campuses, One Flagship University: Facilitating interdisciplinary multi-campus academic opportunities to develop sustainable systems and processes to increase climate resiliency and improve operational efficiency.
  5. Stronger, More Inclusive University: Ensuring equity, inclusion, and environmental justice within sustainability efforts, providing equitable access to resources, and fostering a diverse and inclusive sustainability-focused community.
  6. Husky Pride & Resilience: Celebrate faculty, staff, and student contributions amplifying our nationally recognized Green University rankings, leverage engaged alumni philanthropic support for sustainability research and innovation and pursue industry partnerships or synergistic joint ventures expanding commercialization and startup creation.

It serves as a body to recommend and advise on goals, metrics, and key performance indicators and to review progress toward implementation in relationship to university strategic sustainability plans and initiatives. SPEEAC provides regular progress updates on these targets and objectives to senior leadership and the greater University community.

“The Sustainability, Policy, Energy & Environment Advisory Committee (SPEEAC) provides a forum for all university departments to report on their contributions to moving this Strategic Action Plan implementation forward.” – UConn Sustainability Action Plan, 2024



  • Recommend, and implement comprehensive institutionally adopted sustainability goals and key performance indicators in alignment with university strategic plans and guiding documents, as well as global and national higher education standards and frameworks for advancing sustainability, such as the AASHE STARS,  UI GreenMetric, the Second Nature Climate Leadership Network, and the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
  • Advise the President, Provost and other senior administrators on matters pertaining to sustainable practices in operational and academic pursuits, including:
    • Advise the President, Provost and other senior administrators on matters pertaining to sustainable practices in operational and academic pursuits, including:
      • Formulation of university policies and compliance with environmental and energy regulations
      • Decarbonization and energy efficiency strategies, implementation plan, and goals
      • Energy security and resilience
      • Operational resource efficiency
      • Waste minimization and diversion from landfill and incineration facilities
      • Equity, inclusion, and environmental justice within sustainability efforts
        • Protecting the rights of UConn students, staff, faculty, and surrounding communities to a healthy, safe environment.
        • Preventing the unequal distribution of the benefits or burden of a sustainable campus.
        • Ensuring representation, voice, and participation in environmental decision-making for students, staff, faculty, and community members.
      • Sustainability research and innovation
      • Educational outreach and engagement and using campus as a living laboratory
    • Engage with the breadth of UConn’s stakeholders on implementation strategies to advance sustainability goals through the creation of topic-specific subcommittees and working groups.
    • Review and discuss ongoing sustainability initiatives, monitor trends, and regulatory matters and identify gaps in performance.
    • Ensure coordination with other relevant university advisory committees and task forces.
    • Compile an annual sustainability progress report for the President, Provost, and other senior administrators.
    • Promote UConn’s sustainability vision and its successes throughout the university and beyond through community-engaged research, experiential learning activities, and workforce development opportunities.
    • Coordinate an annual end of year engagement event to highlight progress and create networking and collaborative opportunities for students and employees at UConn.
    • Provide oversight and recommendations as necessary to UConn’s Environmental Policy Statement.
    • Recognize environmental leaders within the university population
    • Assess and report on committee performance annually.
    • Regularly review and update the charter.

Committee Membership

  • The SPEEAC shall be chaired by the Director of the Office of Sustainability.
  • The committee’s composition is intended to bring together the diverse perspectives of major stakeholder groups, including students, faculty and staff members, and alumni. The committee shall consist of representatives from all relevant colleges, schools, and campuses, institutes and centers, operational and administrative units, students and alumni.
  • Updates to the membership may be made per the recommendation of the SPEEAC Chair, with approval by the President, to ensure inclusive representation of all relevant university stakeholder groups.
  • Membership is comprised of both appointed representatives of relevant university units and student and alumni members with established terms.
  • Appointments are made by the President. Recommendations for membership are made by the Chair of the SPEEAC to the President upon the completion of appointment terms or as necessary to ensure inclusivity of relevant stakeholder groups or to replace members who have transitioned out of their roles. Membership may be renewed upon the completion of a term.
  • Senior level positions (i.e. Dean, AVP, VP, EVP, Director, and higher) may appoint delegates at will to serve as representatives for their units. Delegates should be committed to the role for at least one academic calendar year.
  • Full-committee meetings are held once per academic semester. Committee members and/or delegates should in good faith make every attempt to attend and participate in the meetings, providing updates from their respective units.
  • Subcommittees and Working Groups may meet more frequently as needed.

Membership Composition


  1. Office of Sustainability, Director (permanent) (ex oficio)


  1. Undergraduate Student Government, President (or delegate) (one-year term)
  2. President of Graduate Student Senate (or delegate) (one-year term)
  3. At-Large College of Liberal Arts & Sciences Student (one-year term)
  4. At-large College of Engineering Student (one-year term)
  5. At Large School of Fine Arts Student (one-year term)
  6. At-Large School of Business Student (one-year term)
  7. At-Large School of Law Student (one-year term)
  8. At-Large UConn Health Center Student (one-year term)


  1. Alumni Member (two-year term)
  2. Alumni Member (two-year term)

Colleges, Schools, and Campuses

  1. College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, Dean (or delegate) (permanent)
  2. College of Engineering, Dean (or delegate) (permanent)
  3. College of Health, Agriculture, and Natural Resources, Dean (or delegate) (permanent)
  4. School of Fine Arts, Dean (or delegate) (permanent)
  5. School of Business, Dean (or delegate) (permanent)
  6. Graduate School, Dean (or delegate) (permanent)
  7. UConn Health Center, VP of Facilities Development & Operations (or delegate) (permanent)
  8. School of Law, Dean (or delegate) (permanent)
  9. Avery Point Campus, Director (or delegate) (permanent)
  10. Hartford Campus, Director (or delegate) (permanent)
  11. Waterbury Campus, Director (or delegate) (permanent)
  12. Stamford Campus, Director (or delegate) (permanent)

Institutes and Centers

  1. Werth Institute, Director (or delegate) (permanent)
  2. Institute of the Environment, Executive Director (or delegate) (permanent)
  3. Eversource Energy Center, Director (or delegate) (permanent)
  4. Center for Clean Energy Engineering, Director (or delegate) (permanent)
  5. CT Institute of Water Resources, Director (or delegate) (permanent)
  6. Center for Land Use Education & Research, Director (or delegate) (permanent)
  7. CT Institute for Resilience and Climate Adaptation, Director (or delegate) (permanent)
  8. Center for Environmental Sciences and Engineering, Director (or delegate (permanent)
  9. Human Rights Institute, Director (or delegate) (permanent)

Administrative Units

  1. Office of the President, Chief of Staff (or delegate) (permanent)
  2. Office of the Provost, Vice Provost for Health Sciences and Interdisciplinary Initiatives (or delegate) (permanent)
  3. UConn Foundation, President and CEO (or delegate) (permanent)
  4. University Business Services, AVP and Chief Procurement Officer (or delegate) (permanent)
  5. Facility Services and University Planning, VP (permanent)
  6. University Planning, Design, and Construction, Associate VP (or delegate) (permanent)
  7. Facilities Operations, Associate VP (or delegate) (permanent)
  8. Dining Services, Executive Director (or delegate) (permanent)
  9. Residential Life, Executive Director (or delegate) (permanent)
  10. Athletics, Director (or delegate) (permanent)
  11. University Communications, VP (or delegate) (permanent)
  12. Office of the VP for Research, VP (or delegate) (permanent)
  13. Human Resources, Executive Director (or delegate) (permanent)
  14. Global Affairs, Vice President (or delegate) (permanent)
  15. Office of Diversity & Inclusion, VP and Chief Diversity Officer (or delegate) (permanent)
  16. Office of Undergraduate Research, Director (or delegate) (permanent)
  17. Student Health and Wellness, Director (or delegate) (permanent)
  18. Environmental Health and Safety, Director (or delegate) (permanent)

Academic Programs and Units

  1. Spring Valley Student Farm, Farm Manager (or delegate) (permanent)
  2. NatureRX, Director (or delegate) (permanent)
  3. Department of Natural Resources & the Environment, Dept. Head (or delegate) (permanent)
  4. Environmental Studies, Program Director (or delegate) (permanent)
  5. Anthropology, Dept. Head (or delegate) (permanent)
  6. Political Science , Dept. Head (or delegate) (permanent)
  7. of Extension, Dept. Head (or delegate) (permanent)
  8. EcoHouse Learning Community, Director (or delegate) (permanent)
  9. Agricultural & Resource Economics, Dept. Head (or delegate) (permanent)
  10. Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, Dept. Head (or delegate) (permanent)
  11. Sustainability, Community and Urban Studies, Dept. Head (or delegate) (permanent)

 Advisory Subcommittees and Working Groups:

  • Subcommittees or working groups may be created to provide advisory over specific focus areas and may be formed at any time.
    • Subcommittees: provide topic specific research, expertise, and advisory, and support on long-term projects or goals.
    • Working Groups: provide short-term support in executing task-oriented projects on a specific topic.
  • All subcommittees and working groups must have at least one faculty, staff, and student representative.
  • Subcommittees and working groups must be chaired by an appointed member or delegate of the SPEEAC but can be comprised of non-members who are topic experts or uniquely positioned within the University to advance progress in specific areas of interest.
  • Reports and recommendations of a subcommittee or working group will be brought to the SPEEAC by the respective subcommittee chair.
  • A SPEEAC Organizing Subcommittee will be formed comprised of members appointed by the Chai. The Organizing Subcommittee will be responsible for meeting coordination, event planning logistics, and reporting exercises.

Additional subcommittees and working groups will be established during the 2024 academic year to advance the implementation of sustainability related key performance indicators in the University Strategic Plan and the 2024 Sustainability Action Plan.


  • The SPEEAC charter and membership information will be housed on both the Office of the President and the Office of Sustainability’s webpages.
    • Meeting minutes will be made publicly available.
  • Requests for meeting agenda items, progress updates, and other suggestions by SPEEAC members should be directed to the Chair at least two weeks before a scheduled meeting.
  • Questions, requests for involvement, support, policy change, or presentations should be sent to