Experiential Learning

Green Careers: Engage & Explore – Upcoming Event

On Tuesday, February 25th, from 3 to 7 pm in the McHugh lobby/room 102, join the Office of Sustainability and the Center for Career Readiness and Life Skills for the Green Careers: Engage & Explore (GCEE) event!

As an international leader in sustainability, UConn takes pride in pursuing excellence in environmental performance and consistently strives to be a center of learning for the next generation of environmental leaders. The GCEE event is an opportunity for students to see how their interests align with sustainability and environmental career paths. The event will kick off with an engagement fair featuring both employers with green career opportunities and student organizations – it is a chance for you as a student to speak with fellow passionate students and learn more about how you can get involved on campus, as well as learn about career opportunities in general, from various incredible companies in different career fields! (Note: resumes are not expected, nor will they be accepted.)

Following the engagement fair, an insightful discussion on the many green careers will be held during two, 45-minute panel events, along with an opportunity to network with our panelists. Past panelists have ranged from Pratt & Whitney engineers to leaders on the environmental justice front. Stay tuned for more information about the panelists!

Get ready for some career exploration and information through the Green Careers: Engage and Explore event on the 25th! Pre-registration is appreciated but not required: RSVP here!



Engagement Fair: 3-5pm, McHugh Lobby

Industry Panel: 5-5:45pm, McHugh 102

Networking Break (with pizza!): 5:45-6:15pm, McHugh Lobby

Alumni Panel: 6:15-7pm


Students of all majors are encouraged to attend. Green careers are not limited to environmental majors! We want to show you how so many majors can be related to a green career.

Why? The Earth is facing an imminent crisis: climate change. We will need all hands on deck to make progress in our goals as a global community to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and save our planet. We at the OS want to show YOU, all the students here at UConn, that ‘green’ does not have to mean strictly environmental science. Our panelists include engineers, businesspeople, and more – sustainability initiatives can be incorporated into any job! There is a place for all of you in the fight for sustainability and environmental justice; you all have a role to play, big or small.

Earth Day Spring Fling 2024 – April 17th

What: Earth Day Spring Fling is an annual celebration of sustainability hosted by the UConn Office of Sustainability and UConn Dining Services. Established in 2008, the festival features 30+ environmental vendors and organizations to produce the greatest day of environmental awareness all year! Hop on our party peddler bike for a tour of UConn's most sustainable campus features or check out our environmental art show! Coinciding with the event is UConn's annual Arbor Day celebration and ceremonial Class Tree planting. Write intentions for your future at UConn and plant them with the Class of 2027 tree! 

Graphic showing the schedule for Earth Day Spring Fling 2024. From 11am to 2pm dining services and the office of sustainability will be hosting an zero waste barbeque on fairfield way. During the same time frame, the party peddler sustainability bike tour will be running and environmental vendors will be tabling along fairfield way. There will also be an environmental art show on fairfield way. From 12 to 1 pm on the Founders green, there will be goat yoga. Finally, from 1 to 2 pm on the Student Union Lawn, the annual class tree planting will be taking place.

When: Wednesday, April 17th, 2024 from 11am to 2pm (The rain date is set for April 22nd)

Where: Fairfield Way!  The BBQ, vendors, bike tour, and art show will all be located along Fairfield Way. Outdoor yoga will take place on the Founders Green and the class tree planting will be on the Student Union Lawn.  

Who: There will be many unique, sustainability-minded vendors attending EDSF! The event is open to everyone – we encourage you to come out and celebrate the Earth with the OS and Dining Services!  

Some of the highlights include: 

  • Environmental education opportunities
  • Local conservation non-profits 
  • Hydrogen technologies 
  • Sustainable vendors 
  • Giveaways  
  • And more! 

Green Careers Panel – February 29, 2024

What: An interdisciplinary panel of experts, designed to inform students on the ways in which their desired career path can intersect with sustainability and the environment. A green career does not have to be one solely in the environmental field! Green careers are found in business, art, science, education, government, and more. The GCP will help you as a student find a career that connects your unique talents and interests with sustainability. This is also an Honors event! (Categories:  Social Change, Service, & Sustainability; Career, Professional, & Personal Development- #UHLevent10700)

When: Thursday, February 29th, 5:30 to 7:30 pm (Check out the Eco-Involvement Fair from 4:30 to 5:30 in the Atrium before the panel!)

Where: BPB (Bio Physics Building), room 130

91 N. Eagleville Road, Storrs CT 06269

Who: Students of any and all majors are encouraged to attend. Green careers are not limited to environmental majors! We want to show you all how your majors can be related to a green career.

Why: The Earth is facing an imminent crisis: climate change. We will need all hands on deck to make progress in our goals as a global community to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and save our planet. We at the OS want to show YOU, all the students here at UConn, that ‘green’ does not have to mean strictly environmental science. Our panelists include engineers, businesspeople, and more – sustainability initiatives can be incorporated into any job! There is a place for all of you in the fight for sustainability and environmental justice; you all have a role to play, big or small.

Eco-Involvement Fair (4:30-5:30 pm in the BPB Atrium): Join us before the GCP for a meet and greet among environmental clubs on campus. Learn more about what students like you are working towards on campus and find out how you can get involved with the many environmentally-minded student orgs!