Spencer Kinyon
Spencer is a Senior from Cheshire, Connecticut pursuing a degree in Political Science and Economics. From a young age, Spencer has been passionate about the environment and outdoors due to family fishing and camping trips. This passion for the great outdoors evolved into an interest in environmental policy and protecting wildlife. In spring of 2019, Spencer interned for Connecticut State Representative Mike Demicco, who is the Chairman of the House Environment Committee. At this internship, Spencer was able to learn more about the environmental policy issues in the State of Connecticut. On UConn’s campus, Spencer is the President and founder of the UConn Debate Team. After college, Spencer hopes to be an advocate for environmental policy and promoting renewable energy. At COP25 in Madrid, Spencer is looking forward to learning more about how leaders plan to deal with the effects of climate change at an international level.
![Portrait of Spencer Kinyon](https://sustainability.media.uconn.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/2041/2024/09/Spencer-Kinyon.jpg)