Maizey MabrySmith
Maizey MabrySmith is a senior from Columbia, CT pursuing a Bachelor of Arts in Environmental Studies. Maizey is a Presidential Scholar, Babbidge Scholar, and a recipient of the Jeffrey D. Urman, M.D. Endowed Scholarship for Leadership in Environmental Studies. As a Senior Sustainability Intern at the UConn Office of Sustainability, Maizey has worked on a variety of initiatives at UConn, most notably the AASHE Sustainability Tracking and Rating System (STARS) Assessment which awarded UConn its first ever Platinum score. She is also passionate about improving waste operations on campus and serves as a member of the Zero Waste Workgroup of the UConn Environmental Policy Advisory Council (EPAC). By conducting a large-scale assessment of waste operations on campus, Maizey worked with the Post-Landfill Action Network (PLAN) to offer incremental policy recommendations for UConn to achieve “zero waste.” Outside of the OS, Maizey is an advocate for equitable housing policy. During the summer of 2021, Maizey had the opportunity to research aggravating factors for evictions and homelessness in the wake of Covid-19. She spends nights at the Windham Region No Freeze Shelter, providing resources and support to individuals experiencing homelessness. After UConn, Maizey aspires to attend law school and pursue a career in environmental law
![Portrait of Maizey MabrySmith](