Luke Anderson
Luke Anderson is a junior from Tolland, CT. He is pursuing a dual degree in Anthropology and Nutritional Sciences at UConn, with a minor in Mathematics. He currently works in the Honors Program as a Guide for Peer Success (GPS), a peer advisor for fellow Honors students to help them to navigate their college experience, as well as in the Institute for Collaboration on Health, Intervention, and Policy (InCHIP) as a research assistant helping to research the influence of various social factors on people’s health behaviors. Luke is passionate about helping others through service and promoting health in a culturally sensitive manner. He’s involved in a variety of political and cultural organizations around campus and is on the founding organizing committee for UConn’s first student-run Global Health Symposium. In the long-term, he hopes to incorporate his love of travel and food into service in a nutrition and agriculture program in the Peace Corps, then pursue a higher graduate degree. He’s always down for a good book or music recommendation and really loves a good hike with his dogs.