Lindsay Alfano
Lindsay Alfano is a third-year law student at the University of Connecticut School of Law pursuing an Energy and Environmental Law certificate and has a strong passion for environmental, energy, and animal law. She is currently a law clerk for the Department of Justice in the Environmental and Natural Resources Division in Washington, D.C. She was a summer associate at the Connecticut Green Bank where she aided with clean energy development on the state level, working closely with Connecticut’s leaders in clean energy and resiliency. She served as a law clerk at the Humane Society of the United States where she worked on issues such as improper hunting practices and improving animal legislation. She was a research assistant to two professors at UConn law. First, she was a research assistant for Professor Lindseth and completed a special research project focusing on the late Elinor Ostrom’s Institutional Analysis and Development Framework and common-pool resource management. She was then a research assistant to Professor Sara Bronin. With Professor Bronin, she completed research on zoning and local regulation of land use. Lindsay has a BA in Anthropology and Environmental Studies from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and completed a study abroad program in Copenhagen studying European Sustainable Development.