Defne Alpdogan
Defne Alpdogan is a senior from Cherry Hill, New Jersey pursuing a dual degree in Molecular and Cell Biology and Urban and Community studies on the pre-law track. This past summer, she worked with United States Senator Cory Booker in regard to constituent and policy work. Currently, she works for Nutmeg Publishing and works on writing pieces for the yearbook and the student magazine. During her time at UConn, Defne has been involved in SUBOG, Empowering Women in Law and Spoon University. She has worked on the creation of the Environmental Justice Mapping Tool for Connecticut through the joint partnership with DEEP and CIRCA. Defne hopes to become a lawyer someday and represent those who have been disenfranchised by the justice system. She hopes to work with communities in Philadelphia and give back to the community that has been impacted the most under justice policies. Attending the COP28 conference, she hopes to see the discussion of environmental justice and what nations are doing to address environmental issues that are impacting minority communities. During her free time, Defne likes to take long walks and listen to music.