Alexandra Calabro




Alexandra (Allie) Calabro

Sustainability Intern, Office of Sustainability  |

Major: Mechanical Engineering

OS Activities: Event Planning, Website Building, Communications, Sustainability Reporting, Zero Waste

Year joined the OS: Fall 2022


My name is Allie Calabro and I am a Mechanical Engineering student here at UConn! When I was younger, I wanted to be Iron Man (and really, I still do). I believe in the clean and sustainable future of energy for our planet, and I’m studying mechanical engineering to equip myself with the skills and knowledge required to build the arc reactor (or alas, more realistic forms of clean energy technology). But I know that developing new technology will not solve all our climate issues, and that even building an arc reactor will be in vain without a significant shift in our society’s status quo. That’s why I am here at the Office of Sustainability, learning how to impact society’s behaviors to make space for the clean energy technology of the future! I hope to make positive change in the way we as individuals view the idea of sustainability and show people that no change is too small - we all have a role to play in saving our home.